~~~~~~Purchasing Travel Insurance

YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO PURCHASE TRAVEL INSURANCE THROUGH THE STUDENT CENTRE APP INTEGRATION WITH FAITH VENTURES. As the Leader, you can set permissions for participants to purchase Travel Insurance or buy in as a group for the outreach team.

Outreach Leader Administrator

Admins will be able to purchase short or long-term plans from Faith Ventures for their participants from within a mission trip.

Participants will be able to purchase short or long-term plans from Faith Ventures for themselves and for others who they have registered (Guardians will be able to purchase for minors).

Steps to Purchasing Travel Insurance

Purchasing Insurance for your Mission Trip Participants

Choose Plan from within the APP
Choose Plan from within the APP
  • Wait until your trip has participants, then navigate to the Insurance option from the vertical menu.
  • Select  Group Options from either the Short Term Plans or Long Term Plans, depending on the trip length.
It Takes You to Faith Ventures Site
It Takes You to Faith Ventures Site

Once you have selected Group Options, you will be redirected to Faith Ventures website, where you will be able to view the details of the different plans, and purchase insurance.

Enter Travel Dates
Enter Travel Dates

Once you determine the Plan you want to purchase for your participants, enter the travel dates.

Then Import Travelers
Then Import Travelers

A list of travelers from the trip will display for the Admin to select the travelers. Select the travelers you are purchasing insurance for, then select the Import Travelers button. The list of selected travelers will display.

Complete the Purchase
Complete the Purchase

Faith Ventures will  prompt  you for contact and payment information.  Once you have completed the purchase process, the coverage plan, policy number, Faith Ventures contact information will display.

Coverage is Displayed In APP
Coverage is Displayed In APP

When viewing the Trip Member list, an Insurance icon will display by those participants who have insurance for the trip.

Icon Shows on Participant List
Icon Shows on Participant List

Note: If you already have Insurance purchased with Faith Ventures which covers the trip, you can enter the Order Number and Date.